Video and audio sermons, and sermon series guides, for the series ‘A Journey Through 1 Thessalonians’, from Trinity Methodist Church, Linden
Lectionary Sundays for Ordinary Time, 22 October to 19 November 2023 - A Journey Through 1 Thessalonians
Thessalonica was the capital city of the Roman province of Macedonia. Paul established a church there after he left Philippi. Soon, however, there was opposition from Jews who were jealous of Paul’s success in preaching the Christian message among the non-Jews who had become interested in Judaism. Paul was forced to leave Thessalonica and go on to Berea. Later on, after he reached Corinth, Paul received a personal report from his companion and fellow-worker Timothy about the situation in the church at Thessalonica.
Paul’s First Letter to the Thessalonians was then written to encourage and reassure the Christians there. He gives thanks for the news about their faith and love; he reminds them of the kind of life he had lived while he was with them, and then answers questions that had arisen in the church about the return of Christ: could a believer who died before Christ’s return still share in the eternal life that his return will bring? And when will Christ come again? Paul takes this occasion to tell them to go on working quietly while waiting in hope for Christ’s return.
Download a Lectionary reading guide for the series, A Journey Through 1 Thessalonians
Download a full-year Lectionary reading guide
Sunday 22 October 2023 - Joy and Gratitude for the Gospel
Video Service
Audio Sermon
Preacher: Revd Londeka Mabaso
Listen to the Fusion Service audio scripture reading and sermon only
Preacher: Revd Londeka Mabaso
Listen to the Vernacular Service audio scripture reading and sermon only
Preacher: Revd John Wessels
Listen to the Home Service audio scripture reading and sermon only
Sunday 29 October - Without flattery or trickery
Video Service
Audio Sermon
Preacher: Revd Londeka Mabaso
Listen to the Fusion Service audio scripture reading and sermon only
Preacher: Pastor Brett Mordaunt
Listen to the Connect Service audio scripture reading and sermon only
Preacher: Pastor Brett Mordaunt
Listen to the Home Confirmation Service audio scripture reading and sermon only
Sunday 5 November - A blessing, not a burden
Video Service
Audio Sermon
Preacher: Revd Londeka Mabaso
Listen to the Fusion Service audio scripture reading and sermon only
Preacher: Revd Londeka Mabaso
Listen to the Vernacular Service audio scripture reading and sermon only
Preacher: Pastor Brett Mordaunt
Listen to the Home Service audio scripture reading and sermon only
Sunday 12 November - Death no longer has the final word
Video Service
Audio Sermon
Preacher: Revd John Wessels
Listen to the Fusion Service audio scripture reading and sermon only
Preacher: Pastor Brett Mordaunt
Listen to the Connect Service audio scripture reading and sermon only
Sunday 19 November - We are not called to be perfect, but to be present
Video Service
Audio Sermon
Preacher: Revd John Wessels
Listen to the Fusion Service audio scripture reading and sermon only
Preacher: Siphokazi Captein
Listen to the Vernacular Service audio scripture reading and sermon only
Preacher: Revd Londeka Mabaso
Listen to the Home Service audio scripture reading and sermon only
Sunday 26 November - Reign of Christ Sunday
Video Service
Audio Sermon
Preacher: Revd John Wessels
Listen to the Fusion Service audio scripture reading and sermon only
Preacher: Pastor Brett Mordaunt
Listen to the Home Service audio scripture reading and sermon only