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Worship the King. Grow the Kingdom

Who we are – Trinity Methodist Church Linden is a five-service church who welcome and are open to anyone. We invite all people to our services and to take part in the life of the church. We embrace the diversity of people and orientations that living in Johannesburg brings. We speak different languages in different services, are made up of all kinds of families and people from all walks of life.

Jesus calls us to be a community who worship and grow together. All are welcome!

Who we are - Trinity Methodist Church: “Worship the King – Grow the Kingdom”

We are called to be people with a strong and clear Kingdom Consciousness. This means that we carry a life informing awareness that God reigns, which gives us the mission to honour and extend that reign.

When we “Worship the King – Grow the Kingdom” we recognise five moving parts as a Christian Congregation.

To make Worship the centre of Trinity’s life.
We strive for worship services to be times of real worship of the heart, soul, mind and strength. Worship services are also ideally times of inspiration and transformation.

To grow the Kingdom of God through Evangelism.
The Kingdom of God grows larger as people enter into a relationship with Jesus. Our mission as a local congregation is to draw people into that relationship.

To grow the Kingdom of God through Discipleship.
The Kingdom of God grows deeper through the kinds of people we are once we have become Christians. We aim to disciple people so that they experience a transformation of their heart and minds into becoming true followers of Jesus.

To grow the Kingdom of God grows through Ministry.
The Kingdom of God grows more real through the ministry of the local congregation. Our mission is to be the body of Christ to the community around us and further afield. This is about being the hands that care in our community.

To grow the Kingdom of God through Community building.
The Kingdom of God grows more believable through the kinds of relationships we have with each other as Christians in a local congregation. We aim to build true community amongst the diverse peoples of our congregation. The primary unit of this community life are Home Groups, Classes and other holistic small groups.

Trinity Methodist Church. Worship the King. Grow the Kingdom.
A Great Commitment to the Great Commission

For Trinity Methodist Church Linden, 2023 is a year of ‘turning and returning to Jesus’ as we celebrate our ‘Great Commitment to the Great Commission’. Watch this video of Rev John Wessels sharing Trinity’s vision of hope and love for our church, land and world in this Vision Sunday service.

Who we are - Trinity Methodist Church: What we value

Empowering Leadership

To help people develop greater degrees of empowerment so that they become all that God wants them to be.

Gift-orientated Ministry

It is vital that people discover their spiritual gifts; completing extraordinary tasks that God has empowered them to do.

Passionate Spirituality

We nurture a relationship with Christ that is radical in its commitment rather than nominal. We want Trinity to be a church filled with people who live out their faith with commitment, fire and enthusiasm.

Functional Structure

The institutional structures of the church must support the calling and purpose of the church. No structure exists as an end in itself.

Inspiring Worship

Sunday services are planned to facilitate real encounters with God through whole-hearted, intimate worship.

Holistic Small Groups

Where Christians can find connections, practical help and intensive spiritual interaction.

Need-Orientated Evangelism

Reaching out to the lost, sharing God’s Gospel.

Loving Relationships

Loving our neighbours as ourselves.

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