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Worship the King. Grow the Kingdom

Need Prayer? How can we pray with you at Trinity Methodist Church Linden?

We all experience times of deep joy and also deep struggle, but we are certain that life was never meant to be experienced alone. That is why we pray with and for each other daily as a church community.

Let’s experience life together through praying together!

Need prayer? How can we pray with you?

Let our church community pray with you - here are some options

The Prayer Chain

The Prayer chain is made up of about 50 dedicated people who pray for urgent prayer requests as needed.

Contact the Pastoral Care Centre on our WhatsApp number – 0728438452

The Prayer Team

Confidential personal prayer is available after every on-site Sunday service with a trained prayer team member.

The Prayer team are also available to pray with you, upon request, in your home or hospital.

Serve With Us

Do you enjoy praying with and for others? please consider joining the prayer ministry team.

You are welcome to contact the Pastoral Care office on 011 782 0367 or email us at

Colossians 1:9-12 (MSG)
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