Sign-up! Sign-up! Sign-up!
Nine more days to Holiday Club ‘Wild Life’! And the biggest thing anyone can do is share the invitation with all children in Gr 0-7!
There will be sign-ups each morning for Holiday Club and ‘walk-ins’ are always welcome – we will never turn any children away!, but the best way for the Holiday Club Committee and Leaders to prepare is if children have been signed up online beforehand. Please use and share this sign-up link far and wide.
Prayer requests
A praying church is a growing church! Please could you take some time in your personal devotions to pray for Holiday Club over the coming weeks.
This week, please pray that the last few parts of the programme that need to be arranged goes smoothly and that children who haven’t heard about Holiday Club hear about it soon!
Please pray for the leaders as they prepare and pray for each child coming to Holiday Club.
Booking for Kids Grades R to 7 is OPEN!
We are so excited to hold our FREE ‘Wild Life’ Holiday Club this year!
From 25 to 28 March we will have a week of fun, games, crafts, kids worship, friendship and learning about God. This is too great to be missed!
All are welcome, and your friends are also invited!
Daily registration starts at 7.30am, and the programme starts at 8.00am.
Pick up is at 1.00pm, or your child will be fed to the very hungry lion in the dungeon!
Cost: FREE! (But donations are welcome!)
A snack and juice will be provided daily. If there are dietary restrictions or allergies, please feel free to send your own snack.
There will be a family picnic and leaders’ introduction on Sunday 24 March.
- Picnic starts at 4.00pm,
- Leaders intro at 4.30pm,
- Leaders induction at the 6.00pm service
Please sign up for a wild time by filling out the form below
Would you like to be a Holiday Club leader in 2024?
If you would like the opportunity to be a Holiday Club leader, you can contact our Youth Pastor, Bronwyn, by filling in the form below, or at
There will be a family picnic and leaders’ introduction on Sunday 24 March.
- Picnic starts at 4.00pm,
- Leaders intro at 4.30pm,
- Leaders induction at the 6.00pm service
Holiday Club 2024 Needs YOU!
Holiday Club ‘Wild Life’ is on its way, but it can’t happen on its own: Holiday Club Needs YOU!
Can you help with donations (of craft materials or monetary), helping on the week to run some of the crafts for about an hour on one or more mornings, helping run some of the game, or by praying for the leaders and Holiday Club?