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Worship the King. Grow the Kingdom

Every winter, Trinity partners with a community in Mozambique (usually during the July school holidays). We travel to Chidenguele (pronounced Shid-den-ge-le) +-800km from the Trinity to share in the Kingdom of God together.

Over the past few years, in partnership with leaders and community members in Chidenguele, Trinity has helped established classrooms for the children in the community school as well as facilitated the supply of clothes and materials for school. In 2016, we partnered to install running water (through taps) for members of the community, where before they would have to walk roughly about 200 – 300m to get water for the day. We have built jungle gyms for community children, started sewing groups with interested people in the community, installed solar-power solutions for the school and a few other buildings, planted a sustainable vegetable garden and worked along-side community members to learn from each other how best to maintain it. We continue to share the gospel through Bible studies, we show the ‘Jesus Movie’ whenever possible and invite members of the community to join Bible study groups and meet regularly.

We have established connections with the Methodist Minister for the Circuit which Chidenguele falls into and join together in Sunday worship whenever any of our members are in the area.

The more our communities gather together, the more we become aware of the depth and grace in God’s Kingdom, this is not a one-way outreach and we have seen the Kingdom of God become real as we recognise God with all of us. We are deeply grateful to the Chidenguele community for journeying with us into a deeper relationship with God.

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