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Worship the King. Grow the Kingdom

As we wait for the resurrection on Easter Sunday it is a very meaningful day to remember your loved ones who have passed on. Our normal Remembrance service will be postponed till later this year. Below please find a liturgy for you to use if you wish to remember loved ones at home in your own time.

Liturgy, Prayer and Readings for a Service of Remembrance

We hope you feel God's Love at this time

This is a difficult time of loss and change for everyone in our country, but more so for those who have lost a loved one over the past year. Please know that God is with you in ways you may be aware of and in many other ways you may not.

On this weekend when we remember Jesus life and teaching; and as we walk the road to the Cross with Jesus we bring before God those who have also gone before us.

Make this material your own!

While we may not be able to gather together in a service of remembrance, we have a unique opportunity to remember each person whom we have lost in the year in a unique way. Please use this opportunity to have a picture of the person or people you will remember as part of the service, or a favourite object of theirs, listen to a song which reminds you of them, or any other way you would like to make the service unique and special.

How to use these resources

How to use the liturgy

Please take time to prepare before the Service of remembrance.

It may be useful to ask different people who are gathered to read different parts of the service.Where the text is in normal font, that is for the reader alone to read; where the text is in bold font, that is for everyone gathered to respond together.

If you are printing the booklet, make sure the pages are all in the correct order; if you are viewing the document online, please scroll all the way through to ensure it has loaded correctly.

Always remember: This is a service of remembrance, it does not have to be read perfectly and if something doesn’t go exactly to plan, that is okay, move on in the service and fully take in the moment.

Download the Liturgy

Download and print the liturgy above or view it online during the service.

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