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Worship the King. Grow the Kingdom
Week of Guided Prayer - Retreat in Daily Life

If you want to experience a more real and deeper connection with God and get exposure to new ways of praying, then sign up for….

Week of Guided Prayer - A Retreat in Daily Life

Dates: 21 – 28 October 2023

What you need to know?

The Week of Guided Prayer – A Retreat in Daily Life is a way of being on retreat without going away! You carry on living your life but set aside time each day of the retreat to pray and to meet with a prayer guide. Your prayer guide will listen to you and give some suggestions for your prayer time during the week.

What is involved?

  • It begins with a Group Opening Session on Saturday 21st October, 2.30pm to 3.30pm, at Trinity
  • Each day of the ‘working’ week (Monday – Friday) you set aside 30 minutes for personal prayer at home and 30 minutes to meet with your Prayer Guide at Trinity
  • We end with a Closing Session on Saturday 28 October 2.30pm.

Cost: R300 per person (Sponsorship is available)


Come and ask questions or register at the Prayer and Spirituality Table after church on Sunday.

Week of Guided Prayer Signup

Sign Up:

To sign up, scan the QR code with your phone’s camera, or click on the button

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