This coming school holiday in June we are hosting a FREE WOW! Week for Youth, Grades 8 to 12!
Tuesday 18 June to Friday 21 June | 6.00pm to 9.00pm
Tuesday 18 June – Carnival Games Night
Wednesday 19 June – Outdoor Movie Night and Picnic
Thursday 20 June – Amazing Race
Friday 21 June – Worship Stations and Jamz
All youth are welcome. Who will you be inviting to this week of evenings of fun and friendship?
You can find Trinity Methodist Church on the Corner of 5th Avenue and 5th Street Linden,
Johannesburg, South Africa
Contact: 011 888 1740 or at
You are invited to join us! It is FREE!
WOW! Week is coming these June holidays! And the biggest thing anyone can do is share the invitation with all children in Grades 8 to 12!
There will be sign-ups on each day and ‘walk-ins’ are always welcome – we will never turn any teens away!, but the best way for our leaders to prepare is if teens have been signed up online beforehand. Please use and share this sign-up link far and wide.
Prayer requests
A praying church is a growing church! Please could you take some time in your personal devotions to pray for WOW! Week over the coming weeks.