“Gain | Save | Give | Grow”: video and audio sermons, and sermon series guides, for this series from Trinity Methodist Church, Linden
'Gain | Save | Give | Grow' - A sermon series on Sacrificial Giving: 9 February to 2 March 2025
This 4-week ‘Gain | Save | Give | Grow’ is based on John Wesley’s ‘Sermon 50’, where the Methodist tradition takes one of its principles of “Gain all you can, Save all you can, and Give all you can.”
In this series there is an extra ‘all you can’, that is “Grow all you can”, because Wesley speaks about the need for Christians to do everything with excellence in his sermon.
In this series we will present a view of sacrificial giving that is healthy and builds the person and the community around them, and reference to where Trinity is already following God’s leading in this way.
We will also explore some of our Methodist heritage and the unique perspective this gives to ‘social holiness’ and ‘Christian perfection’.
Download a full-year Lectionary reading guide
9 February - 'Gain'
Video Service: Gain | Save | Give | Grow
Lectionary Readings
Fifth Sunday After Epiphany
Isaiah 6:1-8; (9-13)
Psalm 138
1 Corinthians 15:1-11
Luke 5:1-11
Audio Sermon
Listen to the audio scripture reading and sermon only
16 February - 'Save'
Video Service: Gain | Save | Give | Grow
Lectionary Readings
Sixth Sunday After Epiphany
Jeremiah 17:5-10
Psalm 1
1 Corinthians 15:12-20
Luke 6:17-26
Audio Sermon
Listen to the service audio scripture reading and sermon only
23 February - 'Give'
Video Service: Gain | Save | Give | Grow
Lectionary Readings
Seventh Sunday After Epiphany
Genesis 45:3-11; 15
Psalm 37:1-11; 39-40
1 Corinthians 15:35-38; 42-50
Luke 6:27-38
Audio Sermon
Listen to the service audio scripture reading and sermon only
2 March - 'Grow'
Video Service: Gain | Save | Give | Grow
Lectionary Readings
Transfiguration Sunday
Exodus 34:29-35
Psalm 99
2 Corinthians 3:12 to 4:2
Luke 9:28-36; (37-43a)
Audio Sermon
Listen to the Fusion Service audio scripture reading and sermon only