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Worship the King. Grow the Kingdom
New Testament Survey Course 2025

This year we are running a New Testament Survey Course.

This course covers the scope of the New Testament, and will have 23 sessions through the year on Tuesday evenings from 6.30pm, and it is aimed at spiritual growth and understanding. You can join at any time.

Starting Tuesday 4 February | 6.30pm

2 Peter 3:18 – “Grow in grace and in the knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ”

Booklets and resources will be provided.

For more information or to sign up for printing purposes by using the contact form below, visit the table after the services, or call or email the office at 0118881740 or

You are invited! All are welcome, and you do not have to attend Trinity to come. Who will you be inviting?

About this course

The background to the development of this course series is the observation that while many Christ followers (i.e. Christian believers) are convinced of the trustworthiness of the Scriptures as a whole and take time to read isolated portions of the Scriptures regularly or occasionally, there is, generally speaking, difficulty in seeing the ‘big picture’ as to how the various parts contribute to the whole.

To remedy this perceived need, a course series has been prepared covering the scope of the New Testament in three major parts (or modules):

  1. First Module: Background to the New Testament and the survey of the four Gospels.
  2. Second Module: Acts of the Apostles and the Pauline Letters (Romans through to Philemon).
  3. Third Module: Letters to Jewish Christians (Hebrews through to Revelation).
Schedule for 2025
Module 1

New Testament Background and Gospels

Topic Week Date (Tuesdays)
Introduction: Key questions and concerns 1 4 February
From Malachi to Matthew: Background of the New Testament 2 11 February
The Gospels Collectively 3 18 February
Matthew: The Gospel of the King 4 25 February
Mark: The Servant who came to Save 5 4 March
Luke: Teacher and Savior 6 11 March
The Gospel of John: Son of God 7 18 March
Jesus and the Kingdom 8 25 March
Module 2

Acts and Pauline Letters

Topic Week Date (Tuesdays)
Acts 1-12 1  1 April
Acts 13 – 28 2 8 April
Romans 3 15 April
1st Corinthians 4 6 May
2nd Corinthians 5 13May
Galatians 6 20 May
Ephesians 7 27 May
Philippians 8 3 June
Colossians 9 10 June
Thessalonian Epistles 10 17 June
Pastoral Epistles; Philemon 11 24 June
Module 3

Letters to Jewish Christians

Topic Week Date (Tuesdays)
Hebrews 1 5 August
James 2 12 August
1st & 2nd Peter, Jude 3 19 August
1st, 2nd, 3rd John 4 26 August
Revelation 5 2 September
What you will receive

We will issue notes in an A5 sized booklet for each module with the profiles of the book/letter under discussion. These will be available at the start of each module.

Key references
  • The main supporting reference material is the New Testament Survey video series by Dr John Stevenson (See
  • The secondary reference resource material is the six volume series by John Sidlow-Baxter, “Explore the Book”, the 7thprinting was in 1972.
Trinity Methodist Church, Linden

You can find Trinity Methodist Church on the Corner of 5th Avenue and 5th Street Linden,
Johannesburg, South Africa. For more contact information and for a map, click on our ‘contact us’ page here

I am interested in attending the New Testament Survey Course 2025
For planning purposes, please fill in one form for each person attending.(Required)
Please let us know what's on your mind. Have a question for us? Ask away.

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